2024 | 30. August
The Gisler Initiative – a more conscious approach to stereotypes and clichés
As a member of the Gisler Protocol initiative since 2021, JEFF shares responsibility for a diverse representation of gender in advertising. After the yearly Gisler Summit in 2024, and the dialogue around diversity and inclusion, we can still confidently say that we still have our work cut-out for ourselves.

Our industry has an active role to play in breaking down the internalised ideas and thought patterns we so quickly turn to, when we look at the strength that lies in use of images and text to communicate. The core of our business and thus, our responsibility.
Annual Stereotype Analysis
The Stereotype Analyses that the Gisler initiative do every year has unfortunately yet again proven, that across the Swiss advertising branch, we are still portraying a very gendered view of society. There is a slight improvement to be mentioned in who incorporates which roles, interchanging traditional female and male roles, and that communication directed to the younger target group often entails a more diverse and less gender-normed approach. Bringing our industry to question the norms and look further than the "usual go-to" fixes is already a positive step on the long road ahead of us.
Doris Gisler - The namesake of the Gisler Protocol
And JEFF in all this?
JEFF’s internal workforce constantly challenges our outputs and works with the team, to promote an inclusive and diverse corporate culture. We put our efforts into communicating in a respectful, transparent and honest manner both externally and internally, where we walk the talk.
Principles that we adhere to at JEFF
No to sexism: We value all JEFF:innen. We do not tolerate discrimination or racism. We want to be a better employer and promise to continuously improve. We make sure that everyone feels comfortable and safe at JEFF.
Gender neutral language: Social inclusion is important to us. That's why JEFF uses language that includes as many people as possible and excludes no one.
Equal pay: We have committed ourselves not only to talk, but also to act. At JEFF, equal work is paid equally, regardless of gender.
Child and Career: Even though it always remains a challenge, JEFF ensures flexibility for parents in juggling the balance between private and professional life. Our employees are not restricted if their priorities shift for a period in their lives. They are supported in realising their ambitions.
This is a joint effort both internally and externally; we encourage our people as well as clients, to call us out when they think we have missed the mark.
And until we are all satisfied, it’s back to work for us all!